Monday, February 2, 2015

On little disappointments like the Super Bowl

Hi, Sweetheart.

I just got a bunch of pictures put in albums while watching only little bits of the Super Bowl, though this won't get posted till I sent it from my phone to my e-mail and then paste it in here the next day  I really didn't care for this game since the Packers lost, but if the Seahawks had won at least I could have said they were a team of destiny. Yet the game I planned to watch,  Len Barker's perfect game,  I'd never seen and I couldn't pull myself away to just listen and glance up from time to time to watch;  it was too interesting. Ironic since I knew the outcome. (PS: I have it on now. :-) )

But, I got that done and got to bed early now so I can get up bright and early and maybe shovel snow or whatever comes with our confused weather. 

I won't ask about sports in Heaven,  I know you'd just say it's a surprise.  But, it made me think of all those little disappointments you don't have to go through up there.  Teams losing you so wanted to win, times rain ruined plans, and so on. I've said I'm glad you didn't have to see how evil this world is, much worse than when I grew up, but when the only part of something one calls "evil" is the innocent fun of a dynasty that keeps winning,  that's where you can learn to rely on the fact God is still in control and many other good things can happen. Yet, you can learn that in a safe way without having to suffer, when you follow sports. Sure, it's a disappointment the Packers didn't make it, but that's okay.

I so wanted to be your Daddy  down here and help you through all that . I prayed hard, as I've said, but you are there instead, and I know we'll meet someday. It's one of those sadder parts of life, much more than a game. But, sports can help prepare us for the worse things, and yet help us remember there will be another game,  another season. Maybe with different players but with the chance again to see success. For some, it's realizing it could be worse. It's possible someone reading this didn't just have what I did - a heartfelt desire to adopt and end up led by the Lord to dedicate that little to serving like Hannah did Samuel, leaving him to be raised in the temple, showing me that your life ended before I had the chance to adopt you. It's possible a reader has lost a child they knew or had a miscarriage.  I can't imagine that kind of pain, and hope they know you and their little one are probably good friends up there, laughing and playing together so happily. 

Anyway, as I was saying, some just look at the bright side, others remind themselves it could be worse. Some focus instead in what baseballists 150 years ago called the "patience of hope," that good will come next time, even if that takes a while to come. Any of these make it easy for me to keep going till that day God says it's over and you ride with the angels to come take me home to see my Saviour and yours, Jesus Christ.

It's His if s death on the cross and rising from the dead that makes it possible. When one calls on Jesus to forgive them and save them from their sins,  He comes into that heart He's been invited into and gives the peace that passes understanding,  perfect love, comfort,  joy, so much more, when we trust Him to. I pray others who read this share about Him readily,  or at least visit one of the sties where I volunteer like or where they can learn more and communicate with someone via secure email. 

And, I trust that while you don't worry or have disappointment in Heaven, you understand what I'm saying,  at least. Life can be hard on this world at times, mostly due to those big problems and not the little ones like a lost game. Some of those little problems - constant rising in property taxes and other things, thigns wearing out like I've had, etc. - can seem big if we take our minds off God and His care for us. However, God is good all the time, and will help us through anything when we trust Him.

He's the Creator of the universe, after all. And, it's so exciting to know that if you couldn't be born for me to adopt, at least you have the best seat possible to watch us go through evrrythung, and I'm sure laugh at some of the things we do, like.focus so much on sports instead of just having fun with them.

Till we meet,
Love, Daddy

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