Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Serving the Lord for His glory, but knowing you're happy for me, too

Hi sweetheart,

I heard about a couple of your playmates up there in Heaven in a recent sermon. I know, Daddy is being silly again, huh? I don't know who you play with up there or what you do, but I know it's fun. And, I'm sure you know so many wonderful kids up there who wound up dying before the age of accountability or getting saved at a young age and then dying.

I know better than to ask you if you know these particular kids that a visiting pastor mentioned. I know you'd just say, "It's a surprise, Daddy." What's important is that faith that I told this pastor about when I mentioned you.

I am anxious to see you, but we don't know when Jesus will return. Oh, there are certainly many signs that point to it being very soon. However, if those turn out to be merely signs of things moving forward and not of Christ's return very soon, I will still have faith.

It's interesting to think how you would have handled such things. I told one person I would likely want a girl because they express their emotions more easily and I can't understand nonverbal cues well, but there are boys who do and, well, this rambling is just to say maybe you would be more anxious about it, but I would be able to be a calming influence as we discussed how stuff worked. I would try hard to be a great example of Jesus Christ and the solid foundation He gives us, so when problems came you could be sure of something that never wavered.

I am getting ahead here, but it would hopefully help you to understand God's plan to focus on Him and not worry so much about love of other people in your teen years and beyond, because what matters most is your future mate love Jesus first. It's like a Facebook saying I saw, be so in love with God your future mate has to seek God with all their heart to find you.

Daddy's really silly now, huh? Even if you had been born and I adopted you, the Lord might have returned well before you started to date or court, huh?

And to think this started because of the visiting pastor mentioning kids who died of rare diseases before they ever went through that, anyway. 

Still, it's the kind of thing which pops into my head and at times it helps to share even though you're up there away from all these problems. I guess it's from a desire I always have to help others, and it's a bit sad sometimes when I'm not used of God to help you. 

But, then the Lord shows me all the ways I do help and all I can do, even this blog is probably touching some who might have lost a child. And, they can imagine theirs as I do you, watching from Heaven and encouraging me. They can realize God made this world perfect, but man chose to sin and brought evil into the world. Yet God will get them through all the pain that results and one day take them home to His perfect Heaven, to be forever with no pain, no suffering, no tears, no sin, where nobody can imagine the wonders that await us.

That same wonderful place you are right now. Where you're waiting for me and their kids are waiting for them. As long as that person has made a heart and mind decision to accept they are sinners, believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins, to take their punishment, and rose from the dead, and choose to call on Jesus to save them from their sins, forgive them, and make them new on the inside.

We are each only a single, sincere prayer of repentance away from eternal life. Is that eternal life begins at the moment one turns from their sins and trust Jesus Christ to forgive them.

As I help in our church's Bible School soon, I'll work so God may be glorified, because it is His perfect goodness and mercy that matters, our work for Him that is rewarded in heaven. Still, I will also know you are ready to celebrate with the angels when these young people get saved. And, who knows, you might just turn to one of those friends like I mentioned, or maybe who were killed, or whatever happened that they died so young, from thousands of years ago, and say proudly, "That's my Daddy."

I don't need to hear that to know that you're there waiting for me, but it's fun to know that God is faithful and he will keep bringing people to Him just like the many who got saved at our church camp until it's time for the Lord to call us home. And, even after that, many will be getting saved during the Tribulation.

And, no matter when the Lord calls us, I will keep serving Him until He does, because I want Him to be glorified. Because, Jesus Christ is the one who saved my soul and gave me you, as a special blessing who has gone before me to Heaven to be with Him.

Till we meet,
Love, Daddy