Friday, December 2, 2016

On Gifts I'd Have Liked To Have Given

Hi, Sweetheart,

I was just thinking, what would you like on television? Do you have any shows you actually watch up there?

Yeah, I know you'd say, "Silly Daddy, I'm in Heaven, why would I watch TV?" I was just pondering stuff that I've been interested in and it makes me think.

We love because we want to, just as I wanted to adopt you. After praying for a little one for quite a while God seemed to say in my heart that He had one for me but that He wanted to see if I would dedicate you the same way Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord. And, I said I would.

I know God has a bigger plan, a perfect one, it is one that made me sad but I know I will see you someday where we will celebrate for ever. In the meantime, I think about how you would have enjoyed talk of the "Full House" book Universe vs. TV Universe - and now we have NetU. There is so much fun with the chronology some online friends and I did, which any readers of this can see here under "the show". There was so much fun fanfiction with stories I've done and that a good online friend did which I helped with.; his stuff is also there under fanfiction, under Paul Austin.

Anyway, "Full House" is such a wonderful, sweet family show, just perfect for my tastes in how they always show such unconditional love. With the Chronology in a way it is as if I did raise you because of how much I visualize everything I say and do and even my writing. I know it's not the same, but maybe with my handicaps it's more of the same than it would be for some people. (And, I much prefer the Book Universe with D.J. as a proactive mother figure and much more giving.)

It would have been hard since I never had the money, but I got some "Full House" books that I did because I enjoyed putting together the chronology and the Lord used Full House for other things, too. Because of it, a fellow half a world away saw an example of Jesus Christ that I tried to be where he wouldn't have otherwise. You'll get to meet him, too, as while because of various things it's hard for him to come out and say it, the Lord has given me peace through a few things that he has trusted Jesus Christ to save him from his sin, which anyone can do, we're each only a single, sincere prayer of repentance to Jesus away from eternal life, as shown here.

I would have had such fun telling you how God uses many little things in our lives to help us. I don't know if you'd have been like book Stephanie or who you would have been like. (I know you are very unique, but sometimes those templates help me to understand things and people a little.) But, then again, maybe you wouldn't have even enjoyed Full House as much as you would have playing baseball or something. I don't know if we'd have written things together, though I like to think that we'd have shared in some of what I've written. (TV Unvierse and Book Unvierse stories of mine are also up on that site I linked to earlier.)

I know this, though. I love you, even though we have not yet met. Those gifts that I would have given you have gone to help someone else now; i sent them a couple weeks ago. But, who knows, maybe God will have someone for me someday. Or, maybe I will just wait until I am caught up in the air and we celebrate as we gather around the throne. Either way, even if I had the money and I suddenly adopted 10 kids, you will always be special to me. Because I know God has used you, too, in ways that are hard to describe, and in some ways specific to the types of challenges I was born with.

I still have my old toys and books and all the stuffed animals that I had when I was little, and I have given them to the Lord as well to use as He knows is best. I trust God because I know He is perfect love, wisdom, etc.. If you couldn't be with me, I know you are with the best sitter possible, and while I still miss you I am so glad you don't have to deal with the turmoil of this world. I'm so glad that God loved me enough many years ago to save me from my sins when I called on Him by faith to save and forgive me.

It is because of Jesus I know that I'm going to Heaven. And, because of Jesus I know you are safe and I will see you someday.

So, whether or not you'd havebeen a fan of "Full House," whether or not we'd have written stuff together, no matter what, I know that now, you probably look down on me with all these silly little things and laugh, becasue nothing in this world compares to the glory which is to come. As the Bible says, eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has entered into the heart of man the wonders that await us.

So, since it's all a bit silly to you anyway, I'm sure you understand your silly Daddy following some of this stuff on Twitter and just presuming that maybe you could have been a huge fan. that maybe you'd hve kept the books and enjoyed them, or watched the show and had fun little discussions, on your level at whatever age you were, about how the books are different and how on TV D.J.had to step in realistically and reacted but was proactive in books, and so on. I giggle as I picture you going to school - well, church, the way things are now you'd be homeschooled - and telling all your little friends how we only see 1/33th of a person's lives in a sitcom and stuff's not over in 30 minutes like other people say, and all those other little things.

Yes, I know you understand. Because your silly Daddy has other little nuances that are just part of what makes each of us unique, and little failings that are part of what shows we each need Christ's redemptive work on the cross to save us. And, tough I can't reach out and hug you tonight, I know you see in my heart how much I care, and somehow the Lord gives me peace that feels like a great big hug Himself. Because, that's what I always said when i was little, that Heaven was like a great big hug that lasts forever.

I'm glad you can enjoy that now, not becasue of anything but that Jesus Christ died for your sins, too, and rose from the dead,a nd since you died before you could understand that need to trust Him by faith and call on Him to save you, He saved you and you are covered by the blood of the Lamb of God.

Till we meet and enjoy that blessedness together.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

On celebrities, fictional worlds, and role models for kids

Hi, Sweetheart,

I talked before about various sports. I wonder if you keep track of Hollywood's stars. I think of all the fun and exciting things that happen and I figure you would have enjoyed it here on Earth. Who knows; perhaps you'd have been one of the few who has enough talent to make it in local commercials if not out there.

Of course even if you weren't, you're still a superstar in my eyes. Silly grammar, I know. Still, it fits since you died before I ever knew you, let alone before I could have begun to adopt you. The Lord led me to step out in faith and look into adoption despite my handicaps and my financial problems, and then led me to pray like Hannah did with Samuel dedicating him to the Lord and then letting him serve in the temple and live there. And now, I know I have a precious child in Heaven - you - waiting for me.

It's funny. I knew about a few, but I never followed celebrities before the internet - especially not before the last few years with YouTube and Twitter and the like. I was always more interested in the imaginary worlds created in which they performed their roles. So, for instance, I cared much more about the universe of a sitcom like Full House or the Mary Tyler Moore Show and what resulted from it than any of the performers. I could tell from things like changing clothing that TV shows took place over several days or more, not 30 minutes. I got involved considering what might happen between scenes and before and after episodes.

Only with the advent of Twitter have I really begun to follow Hollywood people. Even there, I am much more apt to follow young talent  such as from YouTube. One celebrity I enjoy the most is a happy, fun-loving singer and actress named Kacey Fifield. I started following her because of the Kids React series. Were you here with me, I can imagine she would be one of your favorites, too.

I grew up after the era of Shirley Temple, but with only three TV networks and no internet there were still very few opportunities for performers. Now, however, there is much more opportunity for someone to really get noticed. And, I pray for performers like Kacey, that she and others know the Lord Jesus Christ personally as Saviour and that they stay away from the many temptations in Hollywood. I pray they continue to use the great talents they have been given to glorify God and how they act and how they treat others. In other words, they make the world a better place like Jesus says in Matthew 5 about letting your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in Heaven.

So, even there, I like to give more than I take; I prefer to encourage and build people up, not just to let others entertain me. Which is a huge reason why I'm a fan of Kacey. She likes encouraging others, too, and is always so kind and considerate, from what I've read. The way I know I'd have helped you to be.

It's funny. I just realized this. Through my writing, my reading, my imagination, etc., as well as times with family and serving the Lord, God has given me the chance to do as much as ll I would have as a parent, just not in chronological order. Perhaps the Lord led me to get introduced to Kids React in part because He not only wanted to give me more to pray for and encourage, but also because it would be another little part of that.collage of non-chronological experiences where I can say I had a part like a parent. A few times I even disciplined one really ornery cousin or defiant niece, each time in a kind, caring way that showed I love them. So, of course, following young talent has a twofold purpose - two watch someone else grow and become successful but more importantly a great example of Jesus Christ, but also to imagine how you might enjoy following such stars. After all, I've seen my cousins, nieces, and nephews do all those great things and been excited to have watched that.

A fellow church member encouraged his boy that he'd "chosen a good one" when I informed them his son's favorite player, Andrew McCutchen of the Pirates, is a Christian. And, in the same way, I feel like I could encourage you that you've chosen good ones by the ones I see who are great examples. But, that's just me "being a silly Daddy", as you would say, because you are in Heaven with the greatest of all, Jesus Christ.
Still, it is lots of fun 2 imagine you getting the same joy I do out of things. Some of them may be silly, just like I am sometimes, but it is still great fun.

I don't need to think of such things all the time, in fact I don't need to very often comma but it is still fun when I do. Because it helps me to know that God has given me wonderful gifts, some of which I experience here on Earth in my own life, some I simply enjoy following and celebrating with them, anthem - many in fact - I will enjoy when I get to Heaven.

And, I know I'll be in Heaven because I have put my trust in Jesus Christ to save me from my sins, calling on him by faith to forgive me and make me new inside. And then, we will meet and celebrate together.

Till we meet.
Love, Daddy