Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Must have been quite a show up there

Hi, sweetheart.

Do you talk to angels? I'm just thinking of how one angel told John in Revelation he was John's fellow servant, and they talked to him because God had them delivering a special message; and, of course, Jesus Himself did, too. Same with when they spoke to others.

And, I'm just wondering, do we hang out with and talk to them when we get there?

Yeah, I know, I can so easily imagine you saying, "It's a surprise, Daddy." Just like I'd have to tell you if you'd been born and were bugging me for info about Christmas presents.

It must have been so amazing that first Christmas. Well, actually, it would have been 9 months before when God the Son, eternally God Himself, the 2nd person of the Godhead, stepped down into time and became flesh, when the Spirit overshadowed Mary like when a shadow comes over someone.

Then, of course, the angels became part of a plan to show a joyous celebration that must have been so amazing. Just think - normally it's just one angel appearing, or two, but then an angelic chorus was there in the fields. What an amazing cause to celebrate, the fact God had begun that plan to reconcile us to Himself through the cross.

Of course, you'd have always gone to Heaven because you died before you had a chance to enjoy life, before I could adopt you; just as any child does who dies before the age of accountability. But, because of that wonderful gift, and since I've trusted Jesus Christ to save me from my sins through what He did on the cross, taking the punishment for my sins, I know I'm going to Heaven. And, I'll have the greatest gift I can imagine - you. Even if I couldn't know you here on Earth, you've got the best sitter there is, and I know one day we'll be able to celebrate together.

Adoption really is special - the child comes from the parents' heart then, or is supposed to. And, that's the way God sees us.

When you think about it, God blessed the Jewish people, out of whom Messiah came, because it made sense to have an organized plan to show where Messiah would come from. But, He also adopted all of us - the Jews because he chose them, us Gentiles because we have been grafted in as His people.

We are forever on God's heart. We can celebrate Jesus so much because He not only died for our sins, He rose from the dead and is now in Heaven, forever interceding for us preparing a place for us, and many other things. Like watching over my little darling up there. :-)

I know, you know all this, but I think about how nice it would have been to celebrate and share this stuff with you here, and I thought I'd write a post that shares that now, anyway. Because you are very special to God and to me, more special than you can imagine. Biology doesn't count for everything - what matters is that we are in that person's heart. Just like we are in God's heart, and each of us is only a single, sincere prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ away from everlasting life.

I'm so glad to have that chance. I'm so glad the Lord led me to trust Him to be able to adopt despite my financial struggles and handicaps. And, he rewarded that faith. Maybe we're not together this Christmas. But one day, we will have forever together. And for now, I'll celebrate with family and friends, and enjoy knowing the Lord is watching out for us. Because this isn't just a celebration of family and good times. It's the birthday of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. For unto us is born this day, in the City of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

enjoy the fun up there, Sweetheart. Till we meet.


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