I posted about you in a response on Youtube today. Pastor J.D. Farag, in one of his prophecy updates, said Elijah was possibly offered the chance to really keep doing a great work in Israel or go up in this chariot of fire to Heaven. And I thought othought of how I always sense you saying how silly your Daddy is for choosing this world over what you're in now.
I don't need to mention more about him, I would imagine you've met his daughter already. Although, how does that work? With all those people up there, maybe you don't meet everyone right away. Or maybe "meet" doesn't apply if you automatically know people, or maybe you're so busy playing and conversing aboutg all the wonderful thigns it's like a coupe small children who can play for hours and not ask each other's names. Because to them, it's just not important. The joy of the moment is.
I know what you're going to say. "It's a surprise, Daddy!" I can't wait for that big surprise. And yet, after a while I found myself following the weird baseball season of 60 gams this year, hoping they'd manage to get it all in. I've found myself wanting to see just how bad the NFC East can get or some of the other fun stuff about sports, though I am cutting back on that pretty much. I haven't enjoyed the NFL much ever since Rick got sick and later died of cancer, which I mentioned in an earlier post. So, my love for sports is less. I even got to the point where I didn't midn if we got raptured before the Cubs finally won a World Series.:-) (And, of course they did it against my Indians.)
We all have things we cling to that God tries to get us to loosen our grip on. NOt that He can't rapture someone who is holding on to something, but it'll be a lot tougher for that individual. Just like when Uncle Tom passed, he naturally started letting go of a lot of things, and a month before he died, I told him he was going to get to see you and have an ice cream social upon entering Heaven, to which he replied "I know." (That was about the last thing he ate bits of, often saying "Kids all scream for ice cream.") It was so cool how a couple nights before he died, instead of his by then really weak voice my mom's cousin heard him in his normal voice, though she could only make out the name "Bill" - his oder brother - and "I'm good" like someone had asked if he needed more ice cream. :-) Okay, I know that probably wasn't it but who knows. (Well, you probably do, you were probably there, I asked Jesus to let you. :-) But I also know you'll just tell me you can't say because it's a surprise.
Sorry, I'm getting off topic here. I guess that's good in a way, I do have most of my sights set on Heaven. It's just so hard now with the pandemic because we can't just go door to door witnessing, though I do hand out tracts at times, and people take them. Our senior pastor at my church was in the hospital with covid andpneumonia in fact, and he's only in his early 50s. His wife and a couple other staff members had it, too.
But, the great thing is, we can still pray. And, people are still trusting Jesus to save them. I may get a little silly here because I imagine what it's like to be there in Heaven. But, the good thing is, it inspires us to want to share the Gospel with others when we have our eyes set on Jesus.
It's so simple for someone to get to Heaven, and yet people make it so complex. It's as easy as ABC -
Admit you're a sinner, that you fall short of God's standard of perfection, and don't deserve to go to His perfect Heaven.
Believe Jesus Christ, God in flesh, died to take the punishment for your sins and rose from the dead, and that what He did was all that was needed to get you to Heaven.
Call on Jesus to save you from your sins, Confess that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour and Choose to let Jesus forgive you and come to live in you and make you new inside.
A person cando that right now, praying something simple like this but believing with their whole heart as they pray. "Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I don't deserve your perfect Heaven, but I know you died for my sins and rose from the dead. YOu took the punishment I deserved so I could be saved from my sins. I call on you to save me and forgive me of all my sins, come live in me and make me new inside. I believe you have saved me not by any work I have done but through your shed blood ont he cross. I confess you as my Saviour today, and believe you have written me in your Book of LIfe. In Jesus' name, Amen."
I hope many will read this, and they will copy it for many others. I pray even after the rapture it'll be available. Because there will be so many missing loved ones.
I pray we will see justice done on this earth still, becasue I want to see God glorified. But, at the same time, I know that He knows what will bring HIm glory. And, He may be ready to judge this whole world. I don't know.
I just know I look forward to seeing you and celebrating all that God has done. Becasue His perfect Heaven is so much greater than we can imagine here.
Till we meet.
Love, Daddy
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