Thursday, March 19, 2020

Another reason to be thankful you're safe with Jesus


It's funny to think of those little times I've written how I miss you, and stuff we could have done. i always knew, and even mentioned in my posts, that I knew there was stuff I'm glad you don't have to face. And, things that I'd have struggled with seeing you have to go through. In some ways, there were a few times those thoughts helped me cope when I first prayed so hard for a child and then found myself praying like Hannah did for Samuel, dedicating him to God.

And, that was some of why I hadn't really posted much after those first months. Because I knew ou were in a better place.

Now, as we have a virus running rampant in this world, one which is worse than any flu strain since the Spanish Flu, and which has a major problem in that people don't know they have it for days after they catch it. People aren't going out anymore, and I'm so glad you aren't suffering from boredom. Even if it's likely you'd have had only very mild symptoms if you had caught it.

Some of these thoughts might well be used in another blog I write, and i hope they help to encourage people.

We haven't always been thankful for things. I know I've always been, and wouyld have taught you to be, but too many people don't appreciate the joys of the little things in life. A handshake, for instance, used to be the symbol of an ironclad promise. I still recall when my great uncle declared, as I was talking with him at 95, weeks before his death, that he knew for sure that he'd trusted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. And, I noted at the funeral that it was with the same certainty and determination as that very firm handshake he always had; he was a real estate developer in this area. A person's word has little meaning at times, let alone a handshake.

I don't know if that will change, but it's just one of those things too few people notice. We have such great freedom in our country, and sometimes we need reminders of just how good we have it. I don't know why it's been easier for me to appreciae all these little things. Maybe it's my family's influence, but I think a lot of it is my being legally blind and having other handicaps, too.

Either way, there's a huge need for people to distancer themselves from each other for a while, and this is hopefully forcing others to start communicating with their families again. A lot of times, you hear about people here who only communicate through their cell phones. Will people start to actually talk with each other a lot more after this is over? I don't know.

All I know is that I'd have made sure we had plenty of fun times together and engaged in meaningful conversation. You might have been mroe of a leader just because of that - but who knows, you might have been shier and needed that just to help you to come out of your shell.

I only know that - as much fun as we'd have had with thingslike reading and creating our owns tories and such - it would have been boring for you right now, whatever age you would have been. And, I wouldn't want to see you deprived of all the opportunitie. (I mean, sure, you'd be able to play outside, but it'd still be boring with no friends coming over, and it's pretty wet out right now, anyway. :-) )

But, I guess I'm just ahead of the curve on this, too. Because, I said before that, while it took me longer than it did for other things, I was still grateful that you didn't have to put up with some things. So, I didn't need this wakeup call that much, not like most of the world. But, that's the problem. Most of the world isn't like our family. There's a lot of people who don't have the loving, compassionate, caring, thoughtful people all throughout their families like we do.

You could have been a leader and helped to encourage those who suffer. But, instead, you're up therewaching, and wondering with your whole mind on the eternal, not jsut a small part like me: When will they learn?

I don't know. But I know God loves them just like He loves me. He loves every one of us individually. He loved us so much, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

That life begins for the believer the minute they trust Jesus to save them. And, it's as easy as ABC - eEach person has to do this on their own. I had to do this, too. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.(Heb. 11:6) And I share this so those reading can know that great salvation, peace, and comfort I've found. They can also go to to learn more.

ADMIT you're a sinner, and fall short of God's perfect glory. Since you're not perfect you can't save yourself from your own sin

We couldn't, either. But, God's Word says you must simply...

BELIEVE with your heart that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. He never sinned, yet He took our punishment for sin, when He died on the cross. Three days later, He rose from the dead.

If you've done A and B, all you need to do in that prayer is...

CHOOSE to CALL on Jesus by faith in Him alone to forgive you of all your sins. He will cleanse you from those sins, and make you new on the inside.
(John 10:10).

I hope many go to and even call on Jesus right now. This world needs Him desperately.

Till we meet in Heaven and celebrate what God has done, with HIm, together, forever...


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