Saturday, August 16, 2014

At least you're away from the mean people

Hi, Sweetheart.

Your daddy has a… saying, I guess you’d say (I should have put a “Say,” in front there, it’d match my sense of humor to start putting them everywhere then if I put a couple nearly together like that.)

Anyway, one reason I don’t watch news anymore is the images and such are so gross and scary at times. With a lot of TV, in fact. I always like to just say “too many mean people.” I am avoiding certain things but also this world does seem to be getting worse at times, as 2 Timothy 3, 1 Timothy 4, and other Bible verses show it would before the end. I don’t know how much longer we have till the dead in Christ rise first and we who remain are caught up together in the air, so we can be forever more with the Lord and we can finally meet in person. But, while we’re here, it’s so nice to see nice people around. There’s actually companies that call a bunch of numbers at once and you can’t disconnect – so if you have to call 911 you can’t. There is so much hatred out there, so much evil. It’s times like that that remind me that, while it’s sad you weren’t born so I could adopt you, it’s great to know you’re in Heaven away from all that evil.

And yet, there is so much good, too. I’m in such a loving neighborhood, a nice place to walk with still a few families there. We’d have had a church close by and you’d have had great friends there.

There’s a saying that it only takes one. That can be something bad – it only takes one person to wreck things – or something good – it only takes one to by an encouragement to others at times.

I know you’d have learned easily through my example to always care for others and put others first. It would have been so much fun. We’d have laughed and played and cried together, and treid our best to stay away from the evil of this world.

But, truthfully, I couldn't stand to hear bad stuff after bad stuff on the news, that’s why I stopped watching before 2000. Too many people only caring about money, too many who don’t think about others.

Still, you’d have made a difference, I can see your sweet smile and hearty laugh now – okay, I can hear the latter, not see it. You’d be an encouragement to me as much as I would be helping you.

I still love to go out in the neighborhood and get together with other people, because there are so many nice ones. And, I’m sure you’d learn to focus on the nice ones, too, and stay away from the mean ones. You’d likely just shy away from certain things with a saying similar to mine.

But, hopefully, you’d also help others who are hurting, too, like I try – clumsily, more so than most neurotypicals, because I don’t know what’s going on between the lines so I need someone to explain ina nice way that a person was abused and that’s why they act a certain way for instance and they need to be encouraged that they can be nice and maybe even taught how. I used to feel like I’d failed a friend from high school who was that way because I couldn’t read between the lines when our coach asked me to not only mentor him on the speech team but include him in stuff with my friends. I felt like I’d failed him when I couldn’t detect that something was a flashback in high school. But, I know now that I did okay – that the Lord used me anyway. And, I know He could use you, too, to make a positive impact.

You’d probably be teaching me how to to do it, too, I imagine, eventually. Once you learned allt he strategies that one develops over the years.

However, you are celebrating in heaven now instead, and while it’s sad for me you can’t be here, I know you’re happy there. So, I remain here, waiting for this neighborhood picnic a few hours from now and wishing I could take you with me and knowing you’d have such fun with the other kids, but knowing you’re with me in spirit and the Lord is with me always guiding and helping me. Because, somehow, He protects me from evil. He knows what my brain was built like and how difficult some things are for me with my handicaps, and only gives me what I can handle with His help. I think a lot of the problems I’ve seen are Him showing me that there are certain things I need to stay away from, because not everyone is as friendly, warm, considerate, etc., as our family.

But, yet, I always venture out knowing He will be there for me.You know Jesus up there as the Creator and Saviour who made everything and… well, I suppose I can’t really say because it’s far more amazing than I can verbalize and you’d say if I asked, “shhhh, it’s a surprise” anyway. But, I have grown to know Jesus as the solid Rock on which I can rely and put my whole trust in because I know Him as my personal SAviour. And, we’re each only a single, sincere prayer of repentence away from eternal life.

You got there just like I will – through the blood of Jesus Christ. And, while I can’t really understand or imagine the wonders you experience, we have that in common. It’s not of works we’re saved, it’s only by grace. Because He doesn’t want us to boast about how we got there.

And, that includes some of those mean people. My friend has been changed by the blood of Jesus. He is saved and a wonderful family man now and he’ll be in Heaven. That’s the great thing. God changes people on the inside when they trust Christ to save them by faith and call on Him for forgiveness. That’s why you don’t’ have those meanies around. They’ve all been changed by the blood in order to be up there.

God’s love is so awesome. Yes, we can certainly share that now, even as I simply write this blog to you. And, while I can’t sing “Jesus Loves You” to you – okay, I can’t sing, period, but that’s neither here nor there – I know you know of that love. And, that’s what I’d want most for you anyway, to know Jesus. Because, while I couldn’t have protected you from everything, or understood every problem, He can.

Till we meet,

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