Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Talking of helping someone - similar reaction either way

I had to remind myself to do it for the Lord, not for you, but ou'd have enjoyed tonight. I was able to help a young person by listening to their problems - just as I hoped you'd do. I figured I'd have taught you to be a kind, considerate, loving Christian who showed a great example of who Christ is.

Instead, you're celebrating in Glory, and I did avoid doing what I would have done had you lived, too. See, I'd have put a lot of focus on being a Christian example for you, instead of for Jesus.So, it was actually quite similar. Yes, we need to show a great example of Jesus Christ in our thoughts as well as our actions. But, true JOY comes from putting it in this order- Jesus, Others, Yourself.

So, I listened to the Spirit's leading for Him. But, I thought of you, too. Except instead of saying, I hope you learn from mye xample," it was, "I hope she's proud of me."

lol, there's another thing - I just have this hunch you're a girl because I'd be better with someone who isn't prone to stages of being realy physical, and boys have more of that problem than girls. Girls are more willing to express themselves verbally and that's impor5tant since I can't read nonverbal cues as well.

Oh, well, I'm sorry, I'm rambling here. But, while I know you're looking down from Heaven and saw it, I wanted to post a little bit to you, but also show how it's reallyi rather similar to how it would have been had you been born. So, you can see that I am at the acceptance stage of the grieving process.God knows what's best. And, if I'm not to have a child except for you, I eagerly away that day we meet.

Love, Daddy

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