Wednesday, December 23, 2015

WElcoming loved ones and reunions

Hi, Sweetheart,

By the time this is posted, you'll have greeted a 95-year-old great uncle. As I write, he has rallied some, perhaps waiting for his daughter to make it to see him once more.

God had other plans, though, because I finished that paragraph and by the time I got back here he had gone home to heaven. And, there's a little something fun that happened that, well, you and I can share together. See, my uncle said he would chip in on the flowers and instead of just his name he wanted his last name and the family, my mom remarried as you know and so their family name is different too, so I said just put my last name and the word family too. So, in that little way, it is sort of like you were in on this too.

That wasn't the original reason I started this post. But, it's kind of cool how that worked out.

 Back to the original intent, I read somewhere in a search looking for what people experience near death of a family that had this little girl who had been there to welcome quite a few of the members and be with them as they entered the spiritual realm fully.(As opposed to partly, which is what those who are dying experience their last days.) The family didn't know who she was - I kind of wonder if she was someone from a few hundred years ago who was perhaps a stillborn child or something. It's hard to say.

I jsut know reunions are so much fun, and he is there celebrating with his loved ones who went before him who knew Christ as Saviour - and, of course, those who die before the age when they can understand the need for it.

And yet, God gives us abundant life here, too, as the linked site discusses along with presenting that plan of salvation. that abundance isn't always physical blessings. This man was a child of the Great Depression, fought in World War Two and saw much bloodshed there, and lost a child himself at a young age. And yet, he had an abundant lie because he knew there was something better, and more important, Jesus Christ wasn't just his 'Savioiur. This great uncle had realized he was a sinner, believed that Jesus Christ - God in flesh - had died to take the punishment for his sins and risen from the dead, and called on Jesus to save him and get him to Heaven. However, Jesus was much more to him. He was a comforter, guide, helper, friend, and so much more.

We are all called to be servants, to help others. that girl, somehow was appointed by God, perhaps as a prayer of hers after a wonderful if very short life, to helping to comfort others. But God ultimately is the one who uses her, just as He has done a few little things like what I mentioned to help me know you're there waiting for me someday. (I don't even know where that thread or even message board is now, but you can tell that girl i said "hello." :-) )

God is personal. He wants a relationship with each of us. He desires to help us through all the problems of life. He is just waiting for us to come to Him and to trust Him to help us instead of trying to do it all ourselves. Then, He will give us all we need. Not all that we want, but all we need when we need it. So, we we don't have it, we must not need it.

Even with something as final in this life as death, however, God gives us grace and strength to get through it in a wonderful way. Soemtimes with little reminders of that loved one, sometimes in other ways.

So, when you see that fellow up there, and you show him around, who knows. he might provide you with some memories of how God helped him with the loss of his son decads ago. I'm curious to know if he knows who you are right away; I think I did mention in a Christmas card or birthday card a couple years ago about my faith that I had a child in haven.

But, I know one thing for sure. I can jsut imagine your sweet voice insisting whenever I wonder that, "It's a surprise, Daddy." Just another of those little things God gives me - easier by far becasue of my being sucha  visual thinker.

So, have a wonderful time greeting him and everyone else in my family, and I look forward to that great reunion we who know Christ as Saviour will have someday. Including with all those who - because I post this - have read and have been comforted and perhaps even trusted Christ as Sviour because of this. I'm sure there will be some. And, because of that, you - like that other girl - are blessing people even though you never had a chance to live yourself on this earth.

Till we meet in Heaven.
